Posted by Bill J. from El Paso on Thursday, June 08, 2006 at 7:06PM :
Hey guys and gals. I was reading some of the comments listed earlier about the death of Zarqawi. I was on that mission yesterday and will share with you what I can at this time. I will start by saying that you can disregard a lot of what you are hearing on tv about what is happenning here. Your military is working wonders and there are a lot of great things happenning here. We have been picking off Zarqawis folks now for a couple of months leading to this operation. We knew that he was going to meat with his spiritual advisor. Once we targeted the building we did a laser target handover with the Airforce for a quick strike to ensure that no one escaped. The F-16s knew it was a high priority target but didn't know why at this point. Mission complete. We then destroyed all people/vehicles and structures associated with the target building for that day. Make no mistake, this is a major setback for Al Queda. He is not viewed much as a martyr, especially as a successor has already been named. Captures and kills of insurgents will escalate in the next couple of months. But there will be some uncoordinated sporatic attacks by them in the next few weeks. I wish I could tell you more as there is much more to this than stated on the news but this is all I am allowed to disclose at this point. My mission was to come here and help hunt him down and now that Zarqawi is dead I can return home in a few days and get my 47 WDX ready for the El Paso 4th of July parade. I stop off in Qatar on my way home so maybe I might see that WDX (from the classifieds) driving around Doha. A special thanks to Doug Higgins for taking me and my flight crew out to dinner one night before we flew to Iraq. Doug, I will fly up and see you when I get home. I hope to be able to tell you the rest of the story later as it becomes unclassified. Thanks Bill
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