Re: Found in old truck--can you top this?

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Posted by keithmerk on Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 2:25PM :

In Reply to: Found in old truck--can you top this? posted by SUPRDUD on Friday, June 02, 2006 at 1:19AM :

Best I ever did was actually in a 68'impala I removed the spare tire cover to get to the spare so I could get off the freeway and get home and discoverd no spare,jack or handle, The previous owner was a car stereo nut and had 14 Alpine radios in boxes in the hole. I just drove the car home as is since I had only purchased it a few minutes before. Sold the radios to pawn shops and bought a set of tires for the pig and put the rest in the bank. I made $1000 bucks on the deal since all the radios were new. About 1 month later one of my buddies traded me for a 1ton 82 Dodge truck and I swapped him car for truck no cash. So I got the truck I wanted,cash and a new radio for the truck to boot!

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