Posted by marc on Sunday, June 04, 2006 at 12:33PM :
Weather forcast is 80 degrees, that promises picture perfect SoCal Afternoons and Mornings ALL WEEKEND! There are 3 days of shows(SEE EVENTS CALENDAR FOR MORE INFO)These are ALL piggybacked with other larger shows in the area(and its free)There will be MANY other classic cars and trucks to look at, and everyone enjoys seeing a lot of power wagons in one place. The last leg of the show is sunday morning at the Glendale city college parking lot and will be with the MVPA(military club) a great swap meet for dodge trucks with these guys. WANT TO KNOW HOW TO GET THERE? I listed the city and name of the restaraunt, simply call information, get the addy, and map quest it from where-ever your coming from. I will drive my 1960 w200 on friday and sunday, I will drive the 57 w200 on saturday. Hope you can bring yours! Hope to see some faces from last year too.
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