Posted by Chris In Idaho on Friday, May 26, 2006 at 12:47PM :
here we go. I realize how "nice" this truck may be. Unfortunately I can't keep them all. The truck was up for bids on ebay and if wanted badly then it should have went for more. I know some people do not do Ebay. Their loss in my opinion. Anyways got quite a few emails about this truck. Some were pretty mean and one person called me "UnAmerican" go figure haha for wanting to part a good 46 PW out. Well here's their chance to step up to the plate. The truck to me is worth $9K+ in parts and that is a quick estimate not know the axle ratio etc. I'll for go a date coded T137 engine for my #19 to "save" the other truck if the few people that are upset want to buy it whole. I am willing to sell the truck for $9K I'll go get it and even store it for free for a while in my PW junkyard.
If no one steps up, then in pieces it goes onto ebay or wherever. I will donate a portion to Joe C either way the truck goes.
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