Posted by MoparNorm on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 8:28PM :
In Reply to: Re: Reagan had the chance posted by AAA on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 10:15AM :
I used Reagan as an example of how to give the speech, which is AFTER action has been taken NOT, "we might do something".
Yes, Reagan was President when Simpson/Mazolli passed, granting amnesty to 2.5 million illegals and promissing tougher enforcement. He signed it and the dems in congress balked on enforcement, failing to fund the border guards. That's exactly why the Senate bills are a sham, just more of the same. McCain and Kennedy must need the servants, or the illegal voters, their proposal is a joke and borders on treason. Like most inbred scum, their brains don't work too well.......too bad McCain wasn't in the car with Ted.