Posted by apb (in NY) on Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 11:59PM :
THE LAW makes it an offense, punishable by a fine or by imprisonment, or by
both, for an operator or other employee of a telephone company wilfully to
make known to another employee or anyone, other than the person for whom it
was intended, the substance or the nature of a telephone conversation or
message, which may in any manner become known to such employee.
All employees are therefore warned against giving to anyone any information,
obtained in any way, regarding communications between telephone users.
The above message was posted on every floor of every telephone central office in New
York City. It appeared within a booklet entitled "The Codes We Work By" and employees were required to sign an annual statement attesting to their knowlege of, and their intention to obey, the rule stated in the above warning. It seemed unambiguous to me when I signed it, annually, from 1970 through 1999, and it seems unambiguous to me now.
Please forward this entire message to your Representatives and Senators. Your civil rights and liberties are under attack by the very people who have sworn to uphold them.
Arthur P. Bloom,
P O Box 474
Shelter Island NY 11964
PW content: The phone company used Power Wagons.
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