Posted by Ugg (at IL) on Thursday, May 04, 2006 at 3:12PM :
In Reply to: wanted.. letters going to congress men.. posted by DoDgeBoY MaDe in uSa on Tuesday, May 02, 2006 at 3:26PM :
Good idea, wished I thought of it. Seriously, what was said about grammer and spelling is correct. Also, I liked what was mentioned about sending copies to your local newspapers, ie: Letters To The Editor.
Maybe include that letter from the former border agent (if it's for real). Where was Sen. First from? Tell your rep what's bothering you, but try not to use any slang and only correct abrivations.
I know what I posted before about making English the official language of the US sounds kinda silly to most of us, but think about it. The main thing is our borders. They need to be made secure! The current regime seems reluctant to do so. Why?
Traditionally, the Republicians back big business. Who makes the best of low labor rates? Then ya have the Democrates that traditionally want to help everyone out (no matter who). Then ya have the new breed of politician, the Democian and Republicrat. Ya can't tell what they are if they didn't have a lable printed on their foreheads (more accurately, the little bar below their image on TV).
Even though I encourage people to contact their politicians, I really don't think it'll matter. As many times as the people have voiced their opinions to these so-called representitives of ours, how many times have they responded? I regretfully feel that we are witnessing the final deaththrows of our once great republic. I hope to be proven wrong.
This didn't happen overnight either. We've become a nation of either chumps or bulleys, but mostly, ostriches. The writting has been on the wall for some time, but we just couldn't believe it. Let the other guy do something about it.
Greedy and corrupt politicians have been running things for way to long. A little history lesson. How and why did the Fed get so big and powerful? Because of greedy and corrupt local politicians. The thought being, it would be harder to get to the Fed. It was for a while too. But, money talks, and we all know the rest of that saying.
I better stop before I use up all of Joe's bandwidth. Good Luck DoDgeBoY. I hope ya get a better response from your congressman. It;s been a week since I wrote mine and have not yet heard back from him.