OKAY JUDD, who won your contest?!?!...

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Posted by Dana on Wednesday, May 03, 2006 at 8:47AM :

And, in case anyone really cares... My daughter was the lead (female lead anyway) in her senior play "Amadeus", and played Mozart's wife Constanzie (See "Proud Papa Photo" above). I, being the dumb father that they know they can talk into anything, volunteered (... actually... I think my wife "volun-told" me...) to help out with the Masqurade Ball (fund raising supper) before the play.

Classic lines though from some of you guys!! I read them to my wife this morning on the phone, she said she almost "tinkled" she was laughing so hard!!

I was thinking of wearing the outfit to work Monday... thought they might give me some time-off if I just showed up and went right to work like everything was normal....

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