Posted by Jareb on Friday, April 28, 2006 at 11:06AM :
In Reply to: YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE THIS !!!!!! posted by chick n 68 on Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 10:08PM :
It may be too late! We only have ourselves to blame for the current state of affairs in this country. Apathy has destroyed what we once had. We all either take the left or right leaning philosphy on most things and allow partisan bickering in congress to determine our outcomes. What many people fail to realize is that BOTH major parties are full of crooks who have been selling our country out for a few decades now; if they did realize it- they wouldnt continue to vote them in to office. Get rid of the political influence on congress from anyone or thing other than the citizenship of this country.No more lobby allowed! Vote out anyone in congress who sides with this "amnesty" policy and let them all know right now by email that you intend to vote against anyone member who supports it. Tell everyone and anyone who will listen to do the same. We can just sit here and rant about it or we can do something about it.
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