Posted by John Deere Green on Thursday, April 06, 2006 at 2:16PM :
We keep getting pounded with rains. The flooding in my area is very bad. 200 homes flooded and rain forcast for two more weeks. I am located 1 mile from the most serious damage. Two creeks banks went. My dairy friend had to evacuate 1000 hd of cattle. He had as much as 4 feet of water. Our corn ground, 200 acres has 5 feet of water in it right now. If we don't get alot of rain the next couple of days the creeks will go down and suck all the flood waters back into them. The last time Merced Ca, flooded like this was Jan 1956, I was 1 month old. I know that some of you guys have experienced disasters like this, but usually you only read about it. The flood water went from 1 foot to 4 feet in 5 minutes. I feel pretty lucky, it did not get to my dairy, but many of my truck friends were hit pretty hard. Mother nature has a way of humbling you.
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