Posted by Ugg (at IL) on Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 10:10AM :
In Reply to: Illegals--OT or the only T ? posted by SUPRDUD on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 12:10PM :
Not that it'll do anything as proven in several past (going back to the 1800's) presidential elections where the popular vote (we the people) was over ruled by the Electorial College (politicians). They'll do what they want to do for the most part. I wonder how many of them have illegals working at their homes? I know with some high society types, it's sort of a status symbol.
I can cite examples thru out history of how diversity in a society can be very good, but that is when it is absorbed into a common bond. History also shows how when that diversity leads to seperation in stead of absorbtion, that society collapses.
About the job thing, I can see many different views. Jobs out there that us Americans won't take. Some guy on TV last night cited an example of a hotel in FL that had 200 openings. 900 people showed up for jobs ranging from $9.00 to $14.00 an hour. Of the 900 people, not one was an American.
I find that hard to believe. Maybe if they announced the openings in the main stream it would have been different?????? In the past, I have hired people who turned out to be illegal. I hired them thru a temp service. I thought it odd that 5 of the 9 guys had the same name, and on further investigation, the same SS #.
Now that I am disabled and can no longer work in any field I have training, knowledge or experience in, I have been searching for work for quite some time. I've been turned down by Mickey D's, Wal Mart and many others, which is very frustrating, especially when I go to these places and find they hire people that can't even speak the language.
That's another funny thing I find. Last week it was announced on the news that this new Europian common government thing that is going on has made English it's offical language. I really get angered when I call up a place and here messages in Spanish, or see signs in Spanish. Hell, I called the VA yesterday, and there was a message in Spanish.
That's discriminatory to the peoples from other lands (for those that want to play the race game). I can understand how some places want to give the illusion of being "Cosmopolitian", like in many European countries, but then include several languages on the signs. Give more choices of what language ya want to hear.
This is all so wrong. Let's let the inmates run the asyulmn. It's so very simple. If ya break the law and get caught, suffer the costs. Otherwise, why not just abolish all law? Period! Survival of the fittest.
Yes, call your local politician with your views. Quickly! Hmmm, I guess this was more than $.02 worth.
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