Posted by Tom @ Snake River on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 9:49PM :
In Reply to: Illegals--OT or the only T ? posted by SUPRDUD on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at 12:10PM :
This concept gets thrown around with little knowledge, even my those who should know. There is a current Guest worker program, H2A, H2B ect. I have hired a family of 6 from GTO, Mexico for the past 15 years to work on my farm. It is work that local residents will not do any more, packing irrigation pipe at 5am in the morning. We are now dictated now my the Dept of Labor to pay these guys $8.50 an hour. Which is am Adverse Wage Rate. The prevaling wage is $6.50 for similar work in the area. We complain about paying that much, I know not too many of you may have sympathy for my view point, but we are selling our farm produce for less money than my father recieved 40 years ago with a lot higher imput costs. For those of you who do not know me, we farm 1800 acres in eastern Idaho and I sit on the board of directors for the state organization overseeing this program. Out of these wages, no taxes are paid, no FICA, no SS, no medicare, all of it heads to Mexico to support their families. Tom @ Snake River
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