Posted by Austin on January 13, 2000 at 10:09:49:
In Reply to: Swivel Frame PW posted by Dwight Polattie on January 09, 2000 at 20:04:37:
the swivel frame trucks are not a common vehical but the are almost identical too the other powerwagons.
The main reason dodge brought the swivel frame into production is because you could manuver over very uneven
ground and keep all four tires on the ground. I have 2 Pw's of my own and one is a swivel frame and i find
getting parts for both my vehicals is rather easy. i bough three originally and the trucks came with enough
good parts i could build two trucks off of the three. I built one of the trucks off the swivel frame and put
a chevey 350 with transmission and costom axel. It helps me gas wise but you cant bind the truck up as much
as you can with an all original. im sure you will find you will enjoy your truck very much. I think you came
across a very good find.