Military's more fun and visibility

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Posted by winget on January 05, 2000 at 13:18:06:

In Reply to: 49 b1 military pick-up posted by Dwight on January 03, 2000 at 20:02:06:

That way you get not only vehicle collectors to admire it, but anyone that has served in the military, and you can use it for Korean War 50th anniversary parades with veterans riding in back.
Truely and AMERICAN truck this way, a military veteran, not just an ordinary civilian work truck. It's a "Citizen Soldier, just like George Washington. (and I'm not meaning disrespect to all the other old trucks out there...)
Regards WAW

PS: It's also much riskier for those PC clerks to enforce bogus zoning rules against something in OD, as there is a strong base of veterans which would join you in a fight (and vote) against them. WAW

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