Posted by on Friday, February 24, 2006 at 11:14PM :
In Reply to: Camshaft Removal and Replacement posted by Judy Cushing on Friday, February 24, 2006 at 1:52PM :
Remove right fender and liner, radiator, grill etc, then head, manifolds, exhaust if necc, fuel pump, radiator, (maybe the oil pan to get ->)timing cover and chain, cam retainer plate, compress springs, remove locks, keepers, valves, then springs. Keep all the valve parts in order for re-asseembly to same position. THEN install clothes pins to hold tappets up.
Then simply pull cam out.
Turning cam as you gently pull will hopefully allow cam lobes to come through the bearings without scraping them, causing later loss of oil pressure.
All in all, it's the biggest job you can do in chassis. Buy some extra valve spring locks before you start, you'll always lose at least one. You have to install them from the underside, not like working on a OHV head on the bebch. Maybe you have to solder a piece of wire to each lock so you can get it into the right position, then break the solder joint to remove the wire. Valve locks are tinned to make them 'stick' in place, so soldering is easy.
There were some flat head valve spring compressors like complicated pliers that pushed the spring up by pushing down around the tappet. A modern one like a 'c' clamp that compresses the spring against the valve head might leave more room to work locks in/out.
Have Fun!
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