Posted by Phil Street on Friday, February 24, 2006 at 7:35PM :
Follow-up from the below threads regarding Bob Stopka's Yahoo Photo problems.
Yahoo Photos does not permit external linking which means photo links embedded into forum posts will not display.
I have never been able to view photos inside forum posts from any forum poster that uses Yahoo Photos unless my timing is good AND I can grab the URL AND display the Yahoo photo directly. Then it remains in my cache and I can view it on the forum, maybe.
It works fine for the poster since the photo images are in their browser cache and they are probably still logged into their Yahoo Photo Account.
For reference, see the below article which is a comparison of online photo sharing services. Click on the Enthusiasts and Pros - Online Photo Sharing link for a list of services, including ImageEvent, that do allow external linking. However, most of those are generally fee for service sites.
A couple of options:
ImageEvent at $24.95/year for online photo sharing; great price for 1,500 images or 1.5Gig of storage and unlimited bandwidth.
I also have a Photo Gallery section on my T137 site that I've made available to a few fellow Power Wagon enthusiasts. Send me an email if you're interested in a free account. The catch is that I'll pester you to enter your Power Wagon in the Registry. :-) I don't have the storage capacity and all the features of ImageEvent, but it is free.
Follow Ups: