Posted by CGarbee on Thursday, February 23, 2006 at 9:16AM :
We will be running the East Coast Convoy to the Aberdeen (MD) MV Rally again this year. Scheduled arrival of the convoy in Aberdeen is Thursday, May 11, 2006. Past convoys have included participants from Canada down to Florida and as far west as Arizona... We have several serial groups that orriginate up and down the eastern seaboard that converge on the rally near the Aberdeen Proving Grounds (rally is actually held at Ripken Stadium).
There is no cost to participate in the convoy, and you do not have to have a military vehicle to participate.
Not only is particpation in the convoy a lot of fun and a great way to meet fellow historic military vehicle enthusiast, its a great way to enjoy a little peace of mind on the trip to the rally since you have safety in numbers...
Website for the convoy is:
Website for the rally is:
Hope to see a bunch of you at the rally and in the convoy,
Convoy Commander, 2006 East Coast Convoy