April 2006 Four Wheeler - Axles Air Lockers!

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Posted by Dan Shockley on Saturday, February 18, 2006 at 5:14PM :

Just wanted to let you guys know about a couple of articles in the most recent Four Wheeler Magazine. The first article is titled "Axle Gear Swaps" and is a great article about what is involved in swapping gears. The axle used is a little different than our beloved Power Wagons, but you will get the idea. The second article is called "How they build it - Selectable Lockers" and is a great read about ARB and the air lockers they build! It is a great article and will answer a lot of questions floating around about Air Lockers.

And just in case, once you read this article, you are all pumped up about getting an Air Locker for your Power Wagon or M 37, check out my website!

Have a great day,

P.S. I am at 38 deposits! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, and keep 'em coming in! When we hit 50, we can have a celebration!

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