Re: Shocking...

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Posted by Paul (in NY) on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 at 5:28PM :

In Reply to: Shocking... posted by Chris Davis on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 at 1:59PM :

I have a Large TP Tools Cabinet. My cabinet is grounded as Billy Mentioned. Then from cabinet ground, I have a bare wire going thru the vacuum hose to the outside unit and also grounded at that end. Everything must me at ground and all bonded together. I have never received a Static Shock from my cabinet, even with wet boots on a wet concrete floor.

The static sparks your dealing with is very DANGEROUS. Think of dust exposions and the deadly results that occour. When blasting, your cabinet is full of airborne dust. This is why you have a vacuum system sucking out the dust. With airborne dust and a static spark you can get a Dust Explosion. I would not want to be anywhere near it if that happened. This is serious, correct the problem before you continue using the cabinet. Read the NFPA National Fire Codes on Dust Explosions and how to Ground and Bond to prevent static discharges.

Further if you ever use any type of wrist strap to keep your body at ground, it MUST have a 1 meg resistor in series with the strap at the clip. This is to limit current flow in case you get current flowing up the ground strap. Look at any commercial OSHA APPROVED wrist strap. You will always see a resistor at the clamp end. Sometimes its hidden in heat shrink tubing, but its there.


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