It is a hard choice!

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Posted by Eric B. on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 8:15PM :

In Reply to: Re: Don't block sender! posted by MoparNorm on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 7:56PM :

Some things I get only once anyway, if I see it more then once, and I know the address is not a legit one, then I block it.

Following my own advise from the above post I reduced my SPAM from 50-60 a day to 1-2 every couple of days that get into my inbox, the rest end up in my junk mail folder.

Of course some of this may be the E-mail filters getting better, but I figure every little bit helps.

One more tip, if you have a bulk or junk mail folder check it from time to time to make sure a real E-mail is not sent there by mistake.


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