Posted by Ugg on Wednesday, January 11, 2006 at 1:22PM :
In Reply to: Re: WC 1/2 ton V-8 Conversion? posted by Steve in PA on Tuesday, January 10, 2006 at 3:45PM :
Your talking about "The Sarge", right? IMHO, I think what he's doing to that is a waste. For what he's doin to that WC, he should have his privates shaved and coated with Ben Gay. Seriously, He's doing a lot of neat things, but half the point of the WC's are the look. Axle's off a deuce and a half are a bit much, and the WC with 20" tires just won't look right.
I'm not a purist by any strech of the imagination. Even though the WC's and PW's are some pretty tough cookies, I'd still be to scared to drive one on the street after doing what some of the guys here have done to theirs. Some guys go to porn sites, I go to Joe's picture gallery.
Our goal with the Beast is to make it look as original as possible on the outside only. The inside, under the hood and underneath are a different story. Again, IJMO, but keep it lookin like it's suppose to on the outside.
Good Luck
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