Re: Pressure Cap for 47 WDX

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Posted by Kaegi on Thursday, January 05, 2006 at 10:59PM :

In Reply to: Pressure Cap for 47 WDX posted by Jim in Tucson on Thursday, January 05, 2006 at 8:56PM :

I would try it first. But remember the fan on a WDX was 6 bladed and the pulley was very small resulting in a very high fan speed. The pulley on your average 318 will reslut in a much slower fan speed moving much less air. I would try the stock pressure cap and make sure the fan system what ever it is pumps ALOT of air like the flat head system did.
In WW2 the Dodges that went to Africa were fitted with 6 blade, pressure cap, and overflow tank. they performed well. Later on the French used FF Power Wagons that had the 1951 and up 4 blade fan and they had overheating problems.

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