Posted by Bob Thompson on Saturday, December 31, 2005 at 2:01PM :
In Reply to: Weather posted by Robert N on Saturday, December 31, 2005 at 10:43AM :
The media has nothing better to do. They holler "Stormwatch" at the sight of the first cloud. It's the "Chicken Little " syndrome. Of course when a real storm comes along , nobody pays any attention . This of course makes for great T.V. with all the rescues and heartfelt interviews with the survivors . No wonder people in New Orleans didn't evacuate.
If they're not speculating on cancer and cell phones you get leaders like " Is your drinking water safe?" after all it comes out of the ground. They follow up with "Is Bottled water safe?" . It's a never ending cycle. And there an inexhaustable supply of vaccuous indolent cyphers to sit in front of the camera and feign emotional responses to "news stories" as they relate them to the viewing public.
These "Newscasters" are the smae people who devote twenty minutes of each program to Jennifer Lopez' most recent personal disaster or what happened on American Idol.
They mix in a few minutes of "human Interest" stories about orphaned Ukranian badgers and the plight of their illegitimate off-spring, Complete with a heart warming resolution.
that's my rant, film at eleven.
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