Posted by mannyc on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 at 2:33PM :
this case could be the killer product we have been looking for. i say this because they are coming out with a 3 speed case that will provide hi & low range (low range is 4 to 1) AND OVERDRIVE OF 25%!!!. with this case you get to keep your 5.83s for off road, your hi range with 5.83s will get you what you have now & your 25% overdrive will enable you to go faster than the 4.89 swap. the new case is 4 weeks away according to the company and a divorce mount is available. in addition, they partner with novak to direct couple to most popular transmissions. they are partering with hi angle drivelines to supply a disc style parking brake. cost should be around 3k. the cases look bulletproof!!