Posted by dodge boy on Sunday, December 25, 2005 at 5:55PM :
hope this comes out, its my grandpa during the war.. in the jap islands somewhere,... no wonder where i get my dodge sickness from
Follow Ups: PIC DIDNT WORK - dodge boy 6:08PM 12/25/2005 Re: how do you post a webssite? - 68427vette 11:27PM 12/25/2005 Re: PIC DIDNT WORK - turtleherder 7:50PM 12/25/2005 Re: how do u when its off ur computer? - dodge boy 9:16PM 12/25/2005 e-mail the photo to me.... - MoparNorm 8:39PM 12/26/2005 Re: how do u when its off ur computer? - Allen Patnode 9:47PM 12/25/2005 Re: how do u when its off ur computer? - Allen Patnode 9:48PM 12/25/2005
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