Re: I think it would be great!

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Posted by John Eickhof on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 10:30AM :

In Reply to: So who wants an air locker for their Power Wagon?? posted by Dan Shockley on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 9:26PM :

I have lock rites in3 of my PWs and two in the dodge 6x6, the increased traction is unbelievable! The only thing that has prevented me from installing one in a front axle is the steering anomolies. I would love to have the ARB in the front axles on all my rigs! After driving PWs in places like Moab for years now, I have evolved from open diffs and ndt tires to lock rites and good radials @ low pressure. I have also talked with and observed many people with ARBs in various vehicles, as well as driven several with selectable lockers and they are definitely an added asset for serious four wheeling! I only hope I can afford them when they become available! (Thats why i only obliged to one on the survey Dan, you know I could use at least 6 of them!) As for snow and ice the selectable locker is far superior to the full time type, especially in the front axle of a truck equipped with a snow plow! You would probably never have to chain up the tires!However, I am pleased with the lock rites as once you develop your driving skills with them, I have no problem on loose, hardpcaked snow, or glare ice. In my opinion the control of the vehicle is mainly in the driver and how he uses his accessories. I also have never had any problems with the lock rites and personally have installed over a dozen of them.I will close by saying that the ARB will be a very welcome unit and hopefully we can get enough people so the quantity will afford a better discount when ARB gets hammered with orders!!! I have already started saving my pennies!!

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