Posted by Jeff Barnett on December 08, 1999 at 11:58:08:
In Reply to: U.S.Army regisration number posted by Dorian Klein on December 07, 1999 at 19:06:14:
When I bought mine I began researching it. I contacted some people from the ARMY and got no help.
I was told that the Army did not keep vehicle records that long.
Another way I thought of was by unit instead of vehicle serial number. When I was in the Marine Corps. I drove a jeep, commonly referred to an M151. This jeep was assigned to me, I was responsible for a certain level of maitenance. Since the vehicle was assigned to me and I was with 2nd Marines then any information as to where 2nd Marine deployed to during any given time frame should tell you where the vehicles went too.
Good luck, if need some help let me know. I think if enough of us got involved we could probably come up with something.