Posted by John Eickhof on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 11:07AM :
Heres what I received from my friend Chris Johnson...
November 13, 2005
Elko Daily Free Press
Attn: Jeffrey Mullins
The Outhouse at the Trailhead in the Jarbidge South Canyon is gone and I will have
to admit the contractor for the FS did a a good job of cleaning up and leveling the
ground where it once stood. The contractor did a good job of repairing the road
while he was at it. The road repairs are what I would have expected from the efforts
of the Elko County road department in 1998 had they been allowed to finish their
job. The damaged bridge, which has been an obstacle to stream flow because of the
low clearance and ability to collect limbs and logs which caused damming of the
river at that point, has been taken out also. The road has been repaired to the
extent someone could easily negotiate a 2wd pickup to the Trailhead. It won’t be in
as good condition next spring after the annual flood and will probably revert to a
moderately difficult 4 wd challenge.
You have heard the plus side now for observations on the other side.
There was evidence of a considerable amount of work that was actually done in the
water around the area where the bridge was removed. That disturbance no doubt set
hundreds of pounds of soil and rocks loose to flow downstream seriously affecting
water quality. There are no remains of loose straw so I believe it is safe to assume
there were no efforts to maintain water quality which was a chief complaint directed
towards Elko County in 1998.
In this same vicinity there are dozens of tons of loose material which was disturbed
due to bridge removal and which will go into the stream next spring.
All up and down the road dirt has been disturbed, rocks pushed aside and dead trees
knocked down and pushed out of the way in order to create a suitable road for the
track hoe and apparently a fairly large scoop loader. All of which was necessary to
get their job done and apparently covered under the NEPA process which was
implemented prior to doing the job of removing the outhouse. This same type of road
work could have been done by the Elko County road department in 1998 without
invoking the NEPA process. Counties, states and citizens do not fall under the
requirements set out in the NEPA process. That law is to govern activities of
governmental agencies. NEPA does concern counties when federal money is put into a
county road project or federal supervision is involved that is why many of us urged
the FS to get out of the way and let Elko County do it’s job. We didn’t need federal
funds or supervision to do simple repairs to the South Canyon road as were done last
week. Gloria Flora
and the rest of the story is sour history.
O Q Chris Johnson
Anyway, what do you think of this!!! Do you think the USFS will go in and destroy the road repairs?? We'll see in the spring!!!