Posted by Ugg on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 11:47AM :
In Reply to: Dumb Dog posted by Chris Davis - Centerville, UT on Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 10:13AM :
Enjoy her while ya can, because she might not last as long as they say, or she might outlive you. As you know, we lost one of our girls a few weeks back. Well, about a week later, another of the girls went into heat.
Needless to say, all the guys were thrilled. They all wanted some, but we're not having it, winter puppies really suck. We used to call our dogs the Guardian line, but we changed that to the Houdini line after one of the guys got out of a locked cage, thru a locked door, into a pen and into another cage to get the female in heat that was in there, then he went back to his own cage and played dumb. We had absolutley no clue that it happened until Vixie had puppies (she was carrying high and tight).
Well, now Heilo was in heat, and her normal mate, Coke (a 175 lb'er) was in a tizzy. His son ( and hers too), Bullet was all upset, but didn't know why. He finally figured it out and went thru several locked obsticals to nail his Mom. BTW, my wife's pet name for Bullet is Butthead.
We got Heilo a mis mating shot so hopefully there won't be any pups, and when we had to leave the dogs alone, Buyllet went into the bathroom. That was until he ate the door, knob and all.
Our yard is divided into 2 sections, one for human people and one for dog people. We also have a seperate run in the dog yard, complete with a large (for dogs) house that they can go in and out of whenever. Very secure, I thought.
Butthead, er I mean Bullet broke thru the chain link gate and fence twice, bending steel in the process. Last night we went out for dinner. It was kids eat free night and they also have little crfty stuff for the kids to do. We spent a little longer there than planned.
When we got home, Bullet, who we had left out in the yard/run, was gone. This is the first time in 13 years that one of our males has strayed. Usually, if a male got out of the yard, they would come around to the front door and want in. Our girls on the other hand, would turn up 3 towns away, terrorizing someone or thing.
We were out until 1AM looking for him with no luck. I'm a bit concerned because he really shouldn't have gone far what with the heat scent being so strong here. There's no sign of a break out. I'm hoping he didn't get nabbed by those people that fight dogs, because he wouldn't stand a chance, he's just to much of a lover.
We also have some *&%^%%#&*&%% neighbors. We lost 3 dogs (died) in 3 months, One was old, but the other 2 were young and healthy. They didn't die nice either. I suspect poision, but I can't prove it. I DID have a talk with them, so this might be a new tact.
We called all the local PD's, the dog catchers and everything. No luck so far. As soon as I send my daughter off to school (whose extremely heartsick), I'll start to post sigs. I really miss that obnoctious little pain in the butt dog. Since the days he first opened his eyes and started walking, he's always been stuck to me, always sticking that big nose under my hand to be pet, sometime knocking out what was in my hand at the time. Give Taffy a hug for me Chris.
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