Posted by Steve Fay on Saturday, September 10, 2005 at 1:08PM :
In Reply to: Re: oxy gasoline cutting torch - oPetrol cutting torch posted by Mike on Thursday, September 08, 2005 at 10:10PM :
I own both the Petrogen torch and a regular Oxy/Acet set up. Pros and con's on both. The petrogen is a great rescue tool, requires minimal skill and is good when acetylene is unavailable. You can use diesel or kerosene in it in a pinch in warm climates. It does have a draw back in that the fuel supply line
can have air pockets renedering it useless and frustarting the operator. Easy to fix just pressurize the line until it "burps" all the air out at the torch end. It cuts fast and the thicker the steel the better.
It cannot flashback as it is liquid all the way to the mixing head.
The Oxy/ Acet is a little more complicated but is easier on the "surgical" type cuts where one doesn't want to go through stacked steel. It has a little higher cost but is readily recognized by most in any type of trade using it. With the introduction of the Smith Dual Guard torch, The oxy /acet can rival the oxy/ gasoline setups. I will use either and really don't have a preference as long as the tool works for the application needed, I'm happy.
Regards, Steve