Posted by Eric B. on Monday, August 08, 2005 at 9:29AM :
I listed a bunch more parts on E-bay this week.
A few of the items are:
46-68 windshield frame
46-68 windshield regualtor
Rear doors for a 39-47 panel, can be used in the back of a Carryall.
2nd/3rd series tailgate
46-68 defroster vents
a nice set of cowl light buckets
59 Power Wagon brochure (covers Town Wagons and W300M)
6 volt horn
A pair of 1946-50 armrests.
56-57 model 75 fresh air heater
I still have over 20 parts books, serivce manuals, and owners manuals from
I have over 100 different items on E-bay for trucks from 1938-1971.
Go here to see all the items:
Please E-mail me with any questions.