Posted by Steve in PA on Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at 8:55PM :
I am cleaning my yard and am considering selling my woods vehicle. It is a 1941 WC52 with just a chassis, motor, trans, rears, a seat, controls, and a gas tank. Was used by a previous owner as a log skidder. Has an excellent running engine and complete drivetrain. Has forward and rearward facing PTO's, the front is hooked to a massive winch off what looks like a 2-1/2 ton truck. It has an original bed on it, but it is rough. Has a hydraulic pump assembly similar to a snow plow pump mounted under the bed along with two cyliders that look like they were made to dump the bed at one time. They are not functional now. Frane has been welded on and would not be good for restoration. has 3 combat rims and a chains on all 4 wheels. This thing is nearly unstoppable. I would like to get $650 for it. e-mail me at Will be travelling until Friday, but should be picking up e-mail. Will e-mail pics then.
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