Posted by Joe Cimoch on November 17, 1999 at 20:23:16:
I've submitted the request to host this site at Pair Networks. That should all be active in a coouple of days.
You can still access the site by going to, and the forum URL will remain the same. When you see forum #19, you will be on the new host.
The reason for the move is that with the current company, Verio, we're limited to 3 Gb traffic/month. Pair offers 12 Gb traffic and 120 Mb of disk space for about the same price.
I've maxed out on traffic for this month, and its only the 17th. So its on to better things.
My email usually goes out for a couple days during this process too, so if you send a note over the next two days it may never get to me.
The forum is set to go at the new site, but I won't be testing it until the move.