Posted by Joe Cimoch on November 14, 1999 at 20:53:05:
In Reply to: Zone wars update. posted by Paul on November 07, 1999 at 16:16:54:
Just got this from a friend of mine who teaches HS:
Officials at Nevis
(Minn.) High School are refusing to allow a photo of student Samantha
Jones into the school yearbook since it shows the senior, who is
joining the Army after graduation, posing with a decommissioned 155 mm
howitzer cannon on display outside the local Veterans of Foreign Wars
post. "Whether it's in military, recreational or sporting form,
anything shaped like a gun or knife is banned" from school under the
district's "zero-tolerance" weapons policy, explained Superintendent
Dick Magaard. The school board deadlocked on a vote whether to overturn
the ban, even after the board chairman pointed to war photos hanging on
the school's walls. "I back my daughter 100 percent on this,"
Samantha's mother told the school board. "The lawyer will be sending
you papers."