Posted by Willy-N on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 at 4:34PM :
In Reply to: Re: also been a volunteer posted by Bruce B. on Tuesday, July 05, 2005 at 4:09PM :
Totaly wrong with the reasons for not going out. A lot of times it is just who you know and who you brown nose to work. Luck of of the draw helps some to. I was on over 3 paid fires last year 3 with my truck for free and probley 10+ not paid with the VFD in our Dist. Since we only fight Wildland fires it cuts down on the responces for our VFD. That is the only fires we are approved to respond to since we can't afford structcial trucks andthere over 12 miles away so my neibors are on there own. If timing is good they can get a city fire truck to the homes around me in one hour due to the hill they have to come up. Mark H.
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