Posted by Eric B. on Monday, July 04, 2005 at 9:33PM :
In Reply to: Re: The engine numbers never matched the trucks VIN... posted by Kevin in Rehoboth on Monday, July 04, 2005 at 6:17PM :
Ok, so if those are the right numbers then I am stumped.
X is not a starting letter I have seen before.
I have seen TX, but never just X.
A few examples of starting numbers are:
P = Plymouth
C = Chrysler
D = Dodge Car
S = Desoto
IND = Industrial
T = Dodge Fargo etc truck
TX = Dodge Fargo etc truck
I am not sure if X was ever used on Industrial motors or maybe Marine motors, but I have never seen it.
The letters above are true until 1957, and then everything gets a bit crazy.