Posted by Paul (in NY) on Sunday, July 03, 2005 at 11:27AM :
In Reply to: Re: Battery Tray De-Rusted posted by Tim Holloway on Sunday, July 03, 2005 at 11:16AM :
Tim, Dont do it in the Shop, outside only as Hydrogen Gas is a by product BANG !!!
The time in the tank does nto appear to be criticle as to long term. Some metal migration does take place, but in our case we will never add enough new metal so a part will not fit. I have been doing a lot of reading on the web about this process, many put a part in and go to bed as you suggest. The main thing used up is the sacrificial steel you are using. The Soad Ash solution is only used up by evaporation. I have a 36 gallon plastic garbage can with a snap top. That will stop a lot of evaporation.
I got a email this morning suggesting this would be useful in re-rusting the inside of headlight buckets where you cant direct a blast of media, he also suggested it might make hair grow if you soaked your head in it ha ha.
I am very impressed with what I have seen so far. It will never replace or come close to my blast cabinet, but for hard to reach parts and as you suggest, let her work while I sleep, It cant be beat.
Why dont you run over and see it work. I'll have a cold Pepsie Waiting
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