Posted by Paul (in NY) on Monday, June 20, 2005 at 2:04PM :
Its been a few weeks since we have seen real sun. Today is beautiful with temperature at 71 degrees, no humidity, typical summer weather in the Mountains. Took the Carryall for a long circle drive around our High Peaks of 163 miles. Filled the tank right to the top of the neck, when I got back to Schroon Lake I filler her again to the top of the neck, 6.714 gallons which equals 24.27 mpg. I was on secondary roads running 45 to 50 mph. Also now using Power Service Diesel Kleen to boost Cetane Number on fuel. The 170 mile run I made before using Power Service Diesel Kleen equalled a MPG of 23.11 with Interstate driving at 60 mph
Its 678 miles round trip to the Maine Rally, If the Bucket of Bolts will hold together, I may drive over on her own tires. She is really running GREAT !!
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