Posted by Judd on Monday, June 13, 2005 at 10:05AM :
Well, interesting enough for a Sunday morning I would think. When I got up to get the kids ready to leave Iowa Sunday morning I noticed someone had parked a car in front of CC Sammy's trailer so he couldn't hook up (I was surprised I wasn't the last to leave)after awhile Sammy showed up and proceded to have an argument with the little east indian owner about him having to pay a parking fee since he didn't stay at this hotel.
I think a few nasty remarks were exchanged between Sammy the owner and Sammy's wife getting a few of her own thrown in there as well hahaha. Pretty soon we had one of Fairfields finest there and then soon after that we had two!
The owner wanted Sammy to pay $25 for leaving the trailer there because he didn't stay there one night (Sammy and his wife did not like the hotel and moved to another but left the trailer) so he had one of his employee's park there car in front of the trailer so he couldn't leave haha (never short change an east indian hotel owner!)
I managed to get a few shots of the exchange between the police and Sammy and will have them posted after awhile.
Sammy really didn't go to Jail....But I think I might have just paid the hotel owner the $25 and let it be.
Again...Sammy...I had nothing to do with that! I was just in the right place at the wrong time and always with a camera. Glad that nothing bad happened.
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