Posted by Paul Cook on Monday, June 06, 2005 at 0:45AM :
Mike Stone, "OTM", and I both tend to pontificate occasionally. And there are some others. In no way are any of us trying to establish ourselves as experts, or achieve any special recognition.
We all believe that this Forum is one of many ways we all can support each other and enhance our enjoyment of these wonderful trucks. One way we can to this is by sharing our knowledge and experience.
In an earlier post, Mike Stone - "OTM" said that the information on my web site was good. I appreciate hearing that from Mike - and from others who have e-mailed me to thank me for my efforts. There were many hours spent preparing some items.
Mike also said I was a tire expert. Hold on there OTM. Here at the Museum I have about $2700 worth of factory and Army technical manuals, parts lists, and other published books about the history of Dodge trucks. I'm barely an expert on the POWER WAGON - just someone who researches an answer and states what the factory said.
Sadly, these books don't go into great detail about tires. I learned about military tires as used on the POWER WAGON family of trucks from many hours spent in Army motor pools in various additional duties as a Motor Sergeant and later as a Unit Maintenance Officer during my 20 year career.
The tire expert title goes to OTM. He has the most direct experience and the most tire references.
The point here is that there are many people on this Forum who actually know what they are talking about and want to help. Then there's the guy who says, "I just saw my first ever POWER WAGON in a field 200 miles from home and am thinking about using a chain to tow it home by myself behind my Yugo."
In addition to these two groups on the Forum, there are the folks who don't have a POWER WAGON or a POWER WAGON reference book, but have an opinion based on knowing someone who owned a Datsun. Then there are the folks who have sound experience as an automotive mechanic, although not on POWER WAGONs. Others have gained much knowledge by working on our great trucks as a hobby. They are graduates of “Bloody Knuckle University.”
I, for one, will be reluctant to give opinions when I can tell you what the factory experts say. You might read Joe’s disclaimer since there is often wrong advice given here. Each Forum visitor should carefully evaluate the person whose opinion they are relying on the keep them, their families, strangers, and property safe.
Accept us crusty old guys when we pontificate since we are trying very hard to help you. It's about you, not us.
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