Posted by Ron in Indiana on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 10:28PM :
In Reply to: Pop's PW Status Update posted by Will (in MI) on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 10:04PM :
Well since you're experienced now maybe you want to come down and do Mike's truck? His has a copper line from the MC to the brake booster that needs to come off pronto. It's been sitting here since we got back from TN and I see a wet streak down the left rear tire thinking it's a wheel cylinder. The good news is I now have my headers on the TW and it's so much quieter in the cab since I got rid of the leaks at the manifold to pipe connection. Although it does now sound good coming out of the tailpipes. I've got to get bust too since it's a week from Wed I head to the rally. See you two there. I see you have your BOX tied down in the back, spare 230?
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