Posted by chriscase on Friday, May 20, 2005 at 1:09PM :
In Reply to: Re: Head gasket sealant posted by Chris Lube Lublin on Friday, May 20, 2005 at 12:50PM :
Last time I did a flat head, I centerpunched the head in a row between cylinders to keep the gasket from getting pushed back and forth. Just do 3 places where the cylinders are siamesed. Do head, not block- head is easier to surface the pimples out later, if need be. I really don't know about sealers, many modern head gaskets come with Teflon, is it a sealer or a lube? I've heard of folks greasing the gasket too, I guess to allow it to squoosh around, not 'microscopically wrinkle'? Sooo.. maybe 'sealers' actually lube? or do they glue...or lube, then glue as they heat-set? or is it Magick?.. or wishful thinking? would shoe-polish work as well as bee's wax on a flat head, or should I try Casein glue???...POR-15, and no gasket?
But did I get off topic? I'd centerpunch and spray Coppercote, centerpunch dimples for compression, sealer to prevent water seepage.
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