Posted by Eric B. on Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 2:04PM :
Posted below by Randy:
Cannot find frame number on 68 wm300. Anybody know where to look? Checked passenger side under door no luck. Thanks in advance. Randy
The frame number is either on the drivers side near the front spring shackle, look here for an image:
Or it is on the passenger side in either the same location, or a little further back.
If you look under the drivers door on the frame you should find the frame part number, whis is the same on all 1968 WM300s
The frame part numbers on a WDX-WM300 PW were:
1946-47 1188943 This may have been the number used until 1950. Clint?
From 1951 to 1959 1271235
In 1960 1928965
Up to serial number 1668000 part number 2226521. This number is first found in the 1961-62 parts book so it should be used from 1961 until the end of 1966 production.
After part number 1668000 (1668000 was the start of 1967 production) part number 2829512. This should be the frame part number on your 1968 frame.
I hope this helps!