Posted by George in NW Michigan on Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 8:58PM :
I have 47 Fargo half ton. I lost the pedal over the winter so I was going to bleed the brakes today.
Problem #1: One rear wheel had the brake bleed nut you see on the right...this is what I expected to see. On the other side it looked like it was broken off inside, no way to screw it out. If I replace the wheel cylinder, does will that solve this problem? I don't see how I can bleed the brakes if I cannot get the stump out.
Problem #2: The brakes on the front look different. The bleed screws are larger and are capped off with a nut. How do you bleed these? And why are they different? It looks to me like the wheel cylinders are supposed to be all the same. Unfortunately, I don't have a parts book and the shop manual does not show this.
Thanks for any help or advice.
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