Posted by Dana on Friday, April 15, 2005 at 8:21AM :
In Reply to: Thanks guys posted by Ron in Indiana on Friday, April 15, 2005 at 0:10AM :
Years ago I had a '67 Chevy II, and the back seat seatbelts were where they were all stored back then: under the seat. The interior was blue, the seatbelts were black!!
On the side of a can of GOOP it says it'll clean "anything out of everything"... or everything out of anything - whatever - but I took 'em up on that challange. I slid (as tough as it was) the clipper end-thingie (like all this technical talk?) down to the bolt end, figured what didn't get clean would still be under the seat where they bolt down. Then I worked handfuls of GOOP into the belts. They became more pliable, then I took them to the shower head and sprayed them down. As the BLACK gunk washed away, they became more and more blue, and relaxed and straightened right out. They were supple again and looked good!! My only afterthought was that I should have had before and after pictures to send to the manufacturers of GOOP!! Just something else to try!