Faster paint prep ?

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Posted by Jim Chance on Sunday, April 03, 2005 at 12:08PM :

Does anyone have any sugestions for a fast way to remove old paint and rust when doing a restore? I put my small parts in a tumbler, which is great, but I have yet to find a good way to clean bigger parts. Sometimes I just bead blast them but that sure is ssllloowwww. Lately I have tried paint remover and then a green 3m pad on a 4.5" grinder, but I still have to come back and bead blast all the pits.

I tried a dipping tank filled with caustic soda for paint and grease removal. I like it for removing grease, but not paint.

I am thinking about making a phosphoric acid tank for rust removal after the paint removal/3m pad. Any comments?

JIm Chance

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