Posted by Lyle Van Wert on October 20, 1999 at 06:12:36:
In Reply to: Re: List the single rarest Power Wagon or 4x4 Dodge known? posted by dc on October 19, 1999 at 06:50:25:
Ok Dave, Do you mean rarest by numbers produced or numbers left in existence? I think the woodie falls into both catagories. How many are known to still exist besides George Wellmans? I keep hearing about one more but never hear who has it or where it is. I have a 40s Power Wagon station wagon (for all you people out there that insist on calling everything a Power Wagon I'm not refering to a Carry-all here). I would like to hear from anyone that knows the where abouts of another one out there. The body has all the ear marks of being made by Gerstenslager. It looks not as rounded as a Carry-all and has a very different looking set of rear windows. Then there is the 1956 Coleman conversion half ton that I have. I know of a one ton and a 2 ton "T" model. If anyone knows of any of these I would like to compare notes with the owners. Thanks for any future information. Dave I'm sure you could call that a Power Wagon if you like. But don't tell anyone, we might upset the forum.