Posted by mark Davis on October 06, 1999 at 10:15:30:
In Reply to: Ebay Shmeeebay....who the hell cares? posted by Jack Smith on October 05, 1999 at 22:33:42:
The reason why, "we have to suffer through yet another cluster of notes", as you put it, is the same reason that we
answer notes posted that may ask a question that has been asked before in past forums. There are always new people
finding this forum. Some of these people, like myself just a few months ago, do not know about eBay.
A few months ago I did not even know about this forum. People here have been very helpful and informative with all my
PW inquiries. After meeting Joe Cimoch, I get the feeling that this is what he intended this forum to be about.
I am sure you would feel bad about being taken in any auction or deal, wheather it be on eBay or on this forum.
You would probably feel worse if you found out that
a fellow Power Wagoneer had some info that could have prevented your getting taken, and decided not to post it.
You don't have to read the posts, OR ADD A POST, to a subject that you feel is been giving to much attention.
You may not need the info, but there probably is someone who does.
Mark Davis