Posted by Paul on October 05, 1999 at 18:52:31:
I hate to keep bringing this up but Indiana has really gotten extreme on old vehicles No telling how soon it will be before our Power Wagons get cut up for scrap. Mine has had remarks about how it should have been cut up long ago. I do not have addresses for all of Indiana but here are some for the Evansville area.
If anybody would care to help out by contacting these addresses, I would appreciate it. Especially the two lower addresses as they are business related and very powerful locally. Something in the way of "Evansville sounds like a nice place but the tendency against old car..." may work since we've had two shows this year, one recently, that they marvel at the amount of money coming into the area.
Mayors office
The Hon. Frank F. McDonald
C/O The Mayors office
Civic Center Complex
1 N.W. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Evansville, In., 47708
The Vanderburgh County Commissioner office
Civic Center Complex
1 N.W. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Evansville, In., 47708
I do not hold out much hope on this part as I feel there is a round recepticle for letters they don't like. However, two other place to write to are
Evansville Convention & Vistors Bureua
410 S.E. Riverside Dr.
Evansville In., 47713
web site
Evansville Chamber of Commerce
100 N.W. 2nd Street
Evansville In., 47708
web site
Thanks for any help you can give.