Posted by vince on October 05, 1999 at 17:20:46:
I got ahold of this at a local flea market the past weekend. I thought it might be of some interest to a military or Signal Corps buff rather than getting trashed by book collectors..
The book is about 7.5 inches wide x 9.5 inches high and 96 pages long, with heavy paper covers paper covers. The authors are Seargeants John and Ward Hawkins. There is no information about the publishers.
The covers are a reddish color, in fairly decent shape, with a picture of an elephant dragging a tree or something with it's trunk while three people sit atop it while others walk along a path. Overhead and in the background are telephone wires and a telephone pole. The back cover has a picture of a Chinese rooftop ornament on it.
The book tells of the actions of the 835th Signal Service Battalion during World War II in China and surrounding areas. Many small pictures of so-so quality, but might be interesting to see the troops standing or working or the equipment, etc. Really quite an interesting read and very detailed.
I have no real idea of what it's worth, but in the past I found I've been on the cheap side with brochures and other car/truck/cycle stuff I've sold. So I'll put a price at $15.00 including shipping on it. If I'm way off, let me know.
There are no Power Wagons in this book! But I figured I'd give the PW gang first crack at this one.
Feel free to ask me questions.... I'm near San Francisco.